
Author: Robert M Noble
Date: September 29, 2023

Porn and virtual reality, a new horizon

From their very conception, video games are a leisure product designed to create an immersive experience. That is, getting the player “into” the story, in a way almost literal sometimes. Good games are those that make us abstract from the outside world, because they require all of our concentration. Either because of its difficulty, as can happen with some of the original ones like Pacman and Tetris, or because of its absorbing story and created world, as with Zelda or Elder RingHigh quality monitors and headphones with surround sound have precisely helped make this experience much more realistic. We get into the world of the game and before we realize it we have spent hours playing, without anything from the outside requiring us. The next step in this search for total immersion are virtual reality glasses, a gadget that has given a lot of talk in recent years, but that has not yet reached its maximum development point.

After almost a decade of launches of different devices, the moment we are in 2023 is very similar to where we started. These glasses are now somewhat cheaper, but their technological capacity is still not enough to move large games. In fact, any computer already needs a very powerful card to be able to offer a good experience in the most modern games. VR glasses like Galaxy Gear, Occulus or Vibe have been another step in technological immersion, but not the definitive step. In fact, the world of video games has not benefited as much from this advancement as the porn industry. And virtual reality glasses have indeed served to take the experience of POV videos to a new level within adult cinema. Porn, which has always been a sector open to technological advances, has found in virtual reality a new universe in which to expand. With its pros and cons, like any other preview, but very interesting in the sense of offering an experience much closer to the real thing for viewers.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: July 22, 2022

Peppr, the “Uber of sex” that revolutionizes prostitution

How can a trade that is thousands of years old, considered by many to be one of the oldest in the world, change overnight? Only thanks to a revolution like the Internet, which has allowed what has been the same for centuries to now become something different. Safer, more discreet, more professional. And it is that paid sex has always existed, and the truth is that the exchange of sexual pleasure for money does not have much more difficulty than one imagines. Go to the place where the sexual encounter will take place and you simply pay for receiving that sexual pleasure from the hands of a professional. That exchange remains the same but the context has changed. And it is that before, to find any of these women, we had to go to certain points in the city, or to hostesses.

It was the most common. Since the times of the Middle Ages, prostitutes have started looking for clients on roads, in ports and in inns, where travelers passed. They knew they would find good businesses there, but obviously, they were also very unsafe areas. The method had hardly changed until the advent of the Internet, which has brought with it the demonstration that things can be done differently. For example, thanks to online profiles, girls no longer need to go out on the street because their lovers find them on the Internet. This is much safer for both men and women, and also much more discreet. The girls no longer expose themselves as much as they used to, spending hours on the street waiting to find clients. The revolution is reaching further, and some apps have even emerged for mobile phones that put us in contact with prostitutes. In Germany, a so-called Peppr was launched a few years ago, with much controversy behind it, as it was known as the “Uber of sex”. In a country where this work is legal, anyone can offer their services in exchange for money. But Peppr is much more than a simple app…

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: January 20, 2022

The Origins of Internet Porn

To pay for the purchase. To find that book you’ve been looking for so long. To get in touch with that friend who is on the other side of the world, and see her as if she were in front of you. Even to read this very article, at this very moment. The Internet, the network that has connected us all in the 21st century, and that has been a turning point in our society, is used for all this, and much more. So much so that we are still not aware of the real change we have undergone, especially those of us who were born with the first throes of the web. Those that were marked by the beeps of an old 56k modem that only allowed connection or telephone, but not both. Now we have breakfast while Alexa tells us the news of the day, we start to send emails and participate in Zoom conferences. And to counteract, when we can rest, we stay watching a series on Netflix or a video on Youtube.

We literally spend all day connected, on the computer, on television, on our own phone. The download speed and broadband of the Internet today allow us to enjoy high-quality movies in streaming, including live online shows. And everything just one click away, and on many occasions, completely free of charge, or for a very small payment. In just 20 years, times have changed tremendously, and the network of networks has developed in an absolutely uncontrollable way. It is impossible to put doors to the Internet, where you have access to all the content you need, and also to the one you don’t need. Social networks, streaming platforms, photos, newspapers, blogs, deep web… An entire universe within our reach. But it wasn’t always like that. There were other times, darker and above all slower, when loading a simple photograph on a page could take hours. And it also meant a dangerous action against the evil of computer viruses. Yes, they still exist today, but back then it was a plague. The era in which porn made the leap to the Internet.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: November 11, 2021

How to succeed in Onlyfans

They hear it everywhere, they read news about it, but maybe they still don’t know what Onlyfans is. Especially if they are already a certain age and are not so used to spending hours on the Internet, this word may still sound strange to them. And yet it has become the livelihood of many young women around the world, and the fantasy come true of millions of men. Because after all, in this golden age where all sex fits in the palm of our hand, we still continue to feel morbid for anonymous girls who get naked. Most of the girls, who can live anywhere in the world, but who end up united by sensuality and morbid under the umbrella of this platform . Onlyfans was not born as a place dedicated to sex and eroticism, but the creators and users themselves take it to that point where it is right now.

The funny thing is that in mid-2021, Onlyfans launched a kind of probe balloon that got everyone on their nerves. It was supposedly going to ban sexually explicit content, something that affected more than 80% of its creators. They rose up on a war footing in the face of that decision, so much so that the company had to back down shortly after. Sex would still have free bar on Onlyfans , and any content creator could upload those photos here that they could not show on social networks. Faced with the censorship of Facebook or Instagram , adult models and actresses had found a real paradise on Onlyfans. Girls who had been engaged in adult entertainment for a long time, and now they could do it with greater freedom. But also strangers who were taking their first steps in this industry, going directly to become stars. Without going through degrading castings or having to do things that did not suit them too much. freedom at its best, from erotic creator to client, with all that that implies.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: May 27, 2021

Set up gamer for your videos, how to make one?

More and more young people , encouraged by their passion for creating content and the success of many others like them, who started in their rooms and are now stars worldwide, decide to embark on the adventure of post your videos on Youtube or direct on Twitch . The new generation, which has already been born with an absolute predisposition to use and adapt to the latest available technology, is taking advantage more than any other of all those advances that we have experienced in the last decade. Ten years ago almost nobody I uploaded videos to Youtube. Today the Google platform has become the epicenter of virtual entertainment, with the permission of its rival, Twitch, which is increasingly eating more ground, especially in live streams , where content creators they can have a much more direct relationship with their viewers and create a united community that supports you.

If you are also thinking of entering this world of streaming , or you simply want to record some videos to create your own YouTube channel, the first thing to be clear about is the type of content you want to upload. We recommend that you get a powerful computer , not only to be able to play the latest games that are released without problems, but also to edit your videos quickly and efficiently. But beyond your PC, you will also need an environment in conditions to give a professional touch to videos and live shows, showing that you are here to stay, that you offer something of authentic quality to your subscribers. In this article we are going to give you some recommendations so that you can find just what you need, and spend your budget wisely , balancing each component and achieving a result like that of the most powerful streamers with the right money.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: January 25, 2021

How the Internet came about

We can’t live without it, and it seems like it’s been there our whole lives (which in some cases is totally true), but the technology we use today to connect to the Internet is relatively recent. In fact, it is estimated that the birth of the modern Internet happened almost forty years ago, and that only since the late 1990s has the network really become popular not only among large organizations, but also on personal computers in each home. Today we are constantly connected to this great global network not only through our computer, but also through the Smartphone, the Tablet or any other mobile device with Internet access. We even have connection in the washing machine or the refrigerator, to keep everything connected. That is the goal , to live in a completely interconnected world . The same goal that was had at the beginning of the Internet.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: September 11, 2020

Reddit, one of the platforms most visited by users

The Internet has evolved a lot in just two decades, since it began to become fashionable and to be in homes around the world, allowing us to discover a new way to find information and entertainment. If you remember those first pages of the late 90s, the forums and platforms that existed in those times, you will surely take your hands on your head because of how everything has changed in these years. social networks have been the main engine of this change, because they have caused the Internet to become the breeding ground for new relationships, both personal and power. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more recently TikTok and Snapchat are managing to change the face of the network of networks, turning the user into the center of attention and giving them their fifteen minutes of cyber glory.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: September 17, 2018

The evolution of porn videos

It should be borne in mind that pornography is considered just another cinematographic genre. Although there is no provision for porn films that serve as evidence or a witness, reality tells us that this type of cinema began at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In fact, for people seeking to be much more accurate in a chronological sense, the first film preserved to the present day comes from 1907. If you consider all the factors that have been mentioned so far, taking a look at the evolution of this industry is complicated.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: September 17, 2018

Make your bathroom look bigger

In this article we explain you six tips to make your small bathroom look bigger than it really seems. For some people, bathrooms represent one of the favorite places in the house since they are devoted to perform their beauty rituals, take pleasure baths or simply rest for a while in the tub, completely forgetting all the worries and tasks they have pending.

On the other hand, the bathroom is a place that is used not only by the individuals who live in the residence but also by those who visit the houses.

Author: Robert M Noble
Date: September 30, 2017

Jak zvládnout internetovou slávu

Bylo to tak, že vaše šance na dosažení jakékoliv rozšířené slávy byly podobné příslovečnému zásahu blesku k vašemu lebce. V dnešní době je pravděpodobné, že 1.000 plus bude znát vaše jméno, je asi jeden na milion – tím, že si můžete vybrat jednu z milionu hloupostí nebo selhání, která vás může katapultovat do pevnosti slávy. Internetová sláva, to je, které – s politováním říkáme, že marketingové maveny – neexistuje skutečně žádný přesný vzorec.

Dejte pevného svědeckého svědeckého prohlášení, vypusťte solidní hlas zlatem nebo pracujte na pevném sexo selvagem (extra rakovinové křupavé) zlatém pálení a jste solidní zlatou hvězdou, baby.